Our Family
Updated March 28, 2005

John's Family

Liz's Family


Our Family

Our second Sonograms of the new baby due in August 2008 taken at Women and Childrens Hospital, March 14, 2008.

Our First Sonograms of the new baby due in August 2008 taken at Women and Childrens Hospital, February 1, 2008.

Our Second Sonograms (of Anna) taken at Sister's Hospital, August 8, 2005.

Our First Sonograms (of Anna) taken at Sister's Hospital, July 5, 2005.

Liz's Birthday 2007 November 10.

Here are pictures from October and November, 2005. Included in this set are the Zaepfel and Steele Baby Showers, Fun with the dogs and Thanksgiving. (For the video files Quicktime 7 is required!)

ere are pictures from Easter March, 2005.